Thorough cleansing and exfoliation is an important step in home body care. Deep Moisture Wash is an oil-based gel that removes impurities, exfoliates dead cells without drying, irritating or injuring the skin. The product saturates with moisture, brightens, tightens, smoothes microrelief, leaves a feeling of freshness on the body.
Composition and action of assets
The “working” formula of the cosmetic product contains:
panthenol, vitamin E (soften, nourish, smooth, heal, tighten, rejuvenate)
Japanese ophipigon root extract (soothes, removes irritation/flaking/stiffness/dryness);
ginseng root water (responsible for hydration, regenerates, improves turgor, has an antioxidant effect);
citric acid (fights the negative effects of free radicals, has sebum-regulating properties, exfoliates, “polishes”, refreshes, makes the skin smooth and radiant).
Effect of application
ILLIYOON Oil Gel delicately exfoliates, deeply cleanses, and cares for the body. The product fights fine wrinkles and pigmentation, provides prolonged moisturizing, tightens, strengthens, “highlights”, and slows down skin aging.